My 2019 Game Design Challenge

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As 2019 rolled in, I could have made a new year's resolution. However, rather than doing that, I decided to make a challenge for myself. The challenge is to design one game every month this year. Considering the fact that a month is usually nowhere near enough time to create a fully polished computer game, I don't expect these games to be ready for publishing. Rather, the idea is to get things to a point where the core design of each game is clearly developed by the end of each month. By the end of the year, I expect to have twelve prototypes.

I don't expect this to be an easy challenge by any means. In fact, I expect to fail many times as the year goes on. Not all of my monthly projects will be successful. Some of them will be flat out bad. That's okay. Even if I fail, at least I failed in less than a month's worth of work. As much as I expect to fail, I also expect to find some hidden game design gems that I didn't even know I was capable of producing. I hope to pursue at least one of these projects even further at a later point.

This section of the site is dedicated to development logs and updates on my progress. I created this site in mid-February of 2019, so I'm already falling behind a bit. I'm going to write a couple of articles summarizing my efforts thus far. After that, I plan on updating my progress here weekly until the year is complete.


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